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General Discussion / Re: garden seeds
« Last post by fla_native on May 01, 2024, 10:22:41 AM »
The only seeds Ive frozen have been beans and that was to kill any possible creepy crawlers.
They sat in the freezer for about 6 months . I would like to say that doing so was a part of the plan but I simply forgot about them.
When I took them out I put them in one gallon plastic containers and they sat in the closet for about 8 years. Yes, I forget a lot of things.
When we moved back to Florida they were just in the way and figuring they werent any good anyways I tossed them into the then unoccupied chicken pen. That was in December. I now have to mow a roughly 600 sq ft patch of beans so the chickens wont get lost.
General Discussion / garden seeds
« Last post by Alas Babylon on May 01, 2024, 06:40:49 AM »
Always looking ahead, I realized I'm out of garden seeds. What if I needed to start a new garden tomorrow? I'd be screwed (and not in the fun way)

Over the years I've tried heirloom plants and leaving a few for seed. Its worked well with some things and very poorly with others, like carrots.

I just purchased 2 different sets of heirloom survival garden packs from different vendors on ebay. I plan to plant one and put the other in the freezer.
Has anyone tried freezing seeds then using them later? I hear it works, but how well, and how long can they stay frozen and still work?
When it comes to building versus buying, I get more satisfaction from a creation of my own, but find that most often I can buy something for less money and a lot less time and frustration than recreating the wheel on my own.
Homesteading / Re: garden weasel-not available in stores-if you act now......
« Last post by fla_native on April 28, 2024, 07:04:26 AM »
Im the same way, would much rather rig something that pay for something! To be honest, that has bit me in the rear more than once! ^-^
Homesteading / Re: garden weasel-not available in stores-if you act now......
« Last post by cook on April 27, 2024, 06:34:21 AM »
I cheated,used Google,no surprise they are a lot of options out there..was just trying to ghetto rig something with what I had on hand..ya know..that whole satisfaction feeling! O0
Homesteading / Re: garden weasel-not available in stores-if you act now......
« Last post by fla_native on April 26, 2024, 07:31:41 AM »
A long shank auger bit?
General Discussion / Re: I guess this forum is dead / inhertance
« Last post by cook on April 25, 2024, 02:11:35 PM »
I've slacked off posting.
Always been a "prepper",just didn't call it that.Moved back to Fl.7-8 years ago..always moved weather events were my main focus.
Never done prepping,but got the gear and gadgets phase behind me,so after a while its just keep building up what you have..been trying hard to save my ducets,and just maintaining the house/vehicles and my "stuff".
That's kinda boring,not post worthy..don't even have many good stories to tell.
(I lied,I have a few saved up,some are even true) O0
Homesteading / garden weasel-not available in stores-if you act now......
« Last post by cook on April 25, 2024, 01:58:01 PM »
Doing some weeding last weekend..kinda remembered the commercial...rod with handle like a water valve shut off,couple twisted points on the bottom..stick it in and twist(aww,teenage years :P).
So took a beer break,spied my antique bit and brace(odd shaped hand power drill)
The bits are 12"-18" long,inch or more diameter.
Grabbed my battery drill,managed to fit it in the chuck..well ..close enough.
Drilled the base of the root(some grow really deep,grow back if you don't get it all).

Kinda/sorta worked,but kept clogging up,needed to be more coarse/spread out?
So now I have a project for the weekend..need a longer,thicker shaft(don't we all) so I don't bend over,and just a couple spirals on it.
Here at work we have the paddles for mixing paint,and cement/mud mixers,but flat on the bottom,no way to really modify it.
Thinking maybe 1/8" rebar and old spoon welded to the bottom,wood dowel with giant wood screw?
Tried my sawzall with 18" pruning blade,shook my dentures out.

So what ya got,pop a few oat sodas and see what ideas you can come up with.(I do think they have a made one on Amazon,but that's cheating,didn't look. O0
General Discussion / Re: I guess this forum is dead / inhertance
« Last post by Saints75 on April 24, 2024, 03:56:40 PM »
 I think people are not only busy with their day-to-day jobs but; they are quietly "hunkering down" and stocking -up for whatever is going to come our way real soon. Our great country has been completely ruined by the "D.C. Regime" and it won't be long now before the collapse comes.

  Riots at university's, daily assaults and killings, open borders with no way to stop it....  and an election coming up in 7 month's. Yeah, I feel by year's end we will see a big change in our way of life...  (Rant over) :o
General Discussion / Re: I guess this forum is dead / inhertance
« Last post by onestep on April 21, 2024, 08:32:35 PM »
Yes AB, traffic is down substantially in recent months and nothing like it was a few years ago.
I used to check daily but now it’s weekly and even then it’s very quiet.
I’ve noticed a lot of forums have less and less posts. Most are lucky to get a new post monthly.
It was good while it lasted.
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