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General Discussion / World War III
« Last post by Alas Babylon on April 16, 2024, 06:58:47 AM »
Considering the recent and ongoing events in the middle east, I'd think we would all be doing prepping tune ups.

 I read an article yesterday stating we are already in World War III, and just don't realize it yet.
Basically Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and their proxy groups versus the democracies of the rest of the world.
Each of those four main players on "the other side" have actions in progress or are gearing up.

Russia vs Ukraine / NATO
Iran vs Israel and the west
China vs Tiawan / Philippines and the west
North Korea vs south Korea and the west

Not to be a doom and gloom guy, but there's a lot going on, and it feels like one incident can ramp it all up fast.

Think about what you would need if it all came down around us this afternoon.

I better tune up my Geiger counters, get some current background readings, get more batteries, and get some solar power going. I should probably order some garden seed stock as well. Lots to do.
General Discussion / Re: I guess this forum is dead / inhertance
« Last post by Alas Babylon on April 16, 2024, 06:52:17 AM »
Glad to see you're all still  around.
No time for a garden for me this year :(

General Discussion / Patting myself on the back!
« Last post by fla_native on April 11, 2024, 05:56:38 PM »
When we bought this house back in December the previous owner left behind a Troy-Bilt riding mower.
I asked the guy if it ran and he said no, it quit about a year ago.
Well, I finally got around to working on it today. New battery, took the carb apart and cleaned it and the tank. New plug, and oil and fixed some wiring issues. The thing fired right up and runs great!
The downside is, the deck is shot so removed that and it can pull that dump trailer and whatnot.
Sometimes you do get a win!
General Discussion / Re: I guess this forum is dead / inhertance
« Last post by fla_native on April 11, 2024, 11:32:38 AM »
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Hey y'all-
   I have signed in numerous times and noticed that no one had posted so I just signed back out. Like y'all, my life isn't always exciting enough to do a daily post and I just thought that everyone is using heavy duty OpSec in case "Big-Bro" is reading and watching what all "We the People are doing".

 On an info note- I have planted almost all of my Spring time garden vegetables. Hopefully there will be plenty of Tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash this season.

Yep, if my tomatoes continue to grow at their current rate Ill have to start mowing them!
General Discussion / Re: I guess this forum is dead / inhertance
« Last post by Saints75 on April 11, 2024, 09:53:20 AM »
 Hey y'all-
   I have signed in numerous times and noticed that no one had posted so I just signed back out. Like y'all, my life isn't always exciting enough to do a daily post and I just thought that everyone is using heavy duty OpSec in case "Big-Bro" is reading and watching what all "We the People are doing".

 On an info note- I have planted almost all of my Spring time garden vegetables. Hopefully there will be plenty of Tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash this season.
General Discussion / Re: I guess this forum is dead / inhertance
« Last post by fla_native on April 11, 2024, 07:14:45 AM »
I suppose thats a good AND bad situation.... Sorry to hear about your brother, those are hard to come by.
Additional supplies are always a good thing especially at the current "build back better" prices.
Its a shame to see the board go down hill. I check in every day but my life isnt interesting enough to warrant public commentary. However I DID have it out with a small rattlesnake in the chicken coop yesterday so I suppose thats something!
General Discussion / I guess this forum is dead / inhertance
« Last post by Alas Babylon on April 11, 2024, 06:43:40 AM »
Last post was Feb 28.
Good job Cook trying to keep it going.

Meanwhile on the prepping front I just inherited a ton of long-term storage food.  Sadly, my brother in Jacksonville passed away in January and I've been cleaning up his place.  He was never married and no family other than me and sisters.  Apparently, he did some prepping too, as the closet was full of buckets and number 10 cans of food. 2 generators, and much more. If two is one, and one is none, he was the backup king, multiples of anything he owned.  Why have one electrical multimeter when you can have seven.

we had a guy move in to babysit the place and he pointed it out.  He knew exactly what it was. I could not load it my first trip up, a week later when I returned the "house guest" had been going through it and eating it, despite the fact there was plenty of regular food in the kitchen.  I brought it all back and left it at my sister's house, about a mile from my house, but most likely I'll end up with it all, as she says she has no room for it.
General Discussion / Re: goals this year
« Last post by cook on February 28, 2024, 06:06:48 AM »
"Finding the time"...nailed it.
Open 7-4,leave 6:30..home by 5..empty car,check mail,shower,have dinner,watch news..all of a sudden,its 7:30,I'm in bed dozing off ::bw

I'm not a spring chicken anymore. O0
General Discussion / Re: cell phones go out and its a crisis?
« Last post by fla_native on February 25, 2024, 08:07:55 PM »
Our infrastructure, especially the electrical grid, is roughly 60 years old. Theres little hardening that can be done and what little can be done is so far behind the curve that doing so would most likely be a fruitless endeavor.
"Built to be" will always be better than "patched in the hope of".
Im sure certain measures have already been taken to protect the lives property and wealth of certain groups but you and I are most assuredly NOT a beneficiary of that.
General Discussion / cell phones go out and its a crisis?
« Last post by Alas Babylon on February 23, 2024, 11:14:03 AM »
Yesterday several large cell phone companies lost service. personally, I was not affected but the media coverage is huge on the issue.  Marco Rubio let out a statement that people should try to imagine how much worse it could be if China starts actively initiating their hacks into all of our systems.  It's a warning to people to be prepared.

I was at a press conference yesterday morning with the Governor.  At the start of the press conference, before he got into the subjects for the press conference, he mentioned the cell phone outages and the havoc it was creating. Then he said imagine what it would be like if we were hit by an EMP.  I was surprised by that statement. I assume politicians don't keep up with the things that keep me awake at night. 

I did see the Florida legislature is pushing a few bills about hardening infrastructure both physically and for cyber attack. 

Looks like the things many of us have concerns about must be true and serious if the gov is finally taking notice and action.
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